How to Enjoy Falls Food and Festivities AND Stay Mindfully Healthy!

It’s September!

Kids are back to school and summer vacations are over. Before you know it, the holiday season will be hitting us like a ton of bricks. I’m already seeing Halloween costumes and candy in every store I enter. 

For many, it’s an exciting time of family, friends and pumpkin spice everything. For others, being surrounded by loads of food and getting thrown off of a routine can feel scary. In either case, you are not alone! 

Here are 3 tips to help you enjoy the holiday festivities while continuing to maintain your wellness routines. 

1- Find ways to continue to move your body. 

If you are currently following an exercise program and have a ton of holiday events that you’re worried will throw off your routine… plan ahead. 

  • Look over the next few weeks and do your best to schedule your workouts around your planned activities. 

  • Give yourself a little grace. It’s ok to pull back on your routine a tad to allow yourself some time to spend with friends and family. If you can't squeeze that 4th workout in this week-simply move it to next week. “Perfection is impossible, just strive to do your best.”- Gloria Steinem

  • Don’t be afraid to adjust. Instead of that cardio session, maybe a walk in the pumpkin patch will do. In place of that planned hour-long workout, cut it down to a fun 20 min sweat session. 

2- When you're hungry, eat and ENJOY. When you feel full, STOP! 

I know, sometimes this is easier said than done. You might have already experienced this, but if you deprive yourself of food too often- when you have a moment of weakness… YOU WILL BINGE! None of this is healthy, and it’s why so many diets don’t work. 

  • Allow yourself to have the food or snack, just watch the portion size. Honestly, if you are paying attention you might realize that your cravings will be satisfied way quicker than if you were to eat the entire huge plate of food or serving of a snack. 

  • Practice mindful eating. Try to slow down and feel your body’s hunger when you begin eating. Slowly chew your food, and really taste and enjoy it. Put your fork down in between bites as a slowing down method and opportunity to feel when your body is starting to become satisfied. Stop eating before you get full. You can share the rest of your meal, or wrap it up to enjoy later. 

3- Maintain your routine when you're not partying and celebrating.

The holidays and festivities aren't every single day, all day, the entire month. Enjoy your treats while you’re out and maintain the practice of eating clean at home.

  • Prepare in advance by having nutritious groceries at home.

  • Find ways to make cooking quick and easy.

  • Take nutritious lunches to work if you’re back at the office.

Life is never going to be perfect. There will always be something coming up to throw you off of your game or routine. 

Being mindful of your choices and habits, planning ahead, and giving yourself some grace when you’re a tad off your game are important tools to helping you maintain fitness and wellness in your life for the long term. 

So go out and enjoy life and this upcoming festive holiday season! I know I will! 

To Learn more about Mindful Eating to support you this season. I created The Mindful Eating Guide: 7 Simple Steps to use your Body’s Cues to Release Weight and Keep It OFF for the Long Term. Grab your Copy. I hope you enjoy it!