Small Steps Lead to Big Changes
Finding motivation and sticking it out isn’t always easy. It’s one thing to have support from a coach to keep you accountable but it really takes some digging inward and smart strategizing to sustain forward motion toward any type of wellness goals. I can make a ton of blog posts on motivation, strategizing, and staying the course for the long term… which I will. Stay tuned!
Today though, we are going to focus on how tiny goals and small steps can and will lead to BIG change over time. It’s amazing to set huge goals, your larger vision/desire. It’s important though to then pull back in and bring your immediate focus to the small steps that you can realistically, and at least semi-enjoyably take each day to build your ultimate vision.
We tend to forget how many important little steps it takes to create a large vision. You don’t just go from point A to point B by taking one leap. A step by step process is required along the journey. Focusing on the vastness of the huge vision from where you are right now can be a fast way to fall into overwhelm and loss of motivation.
Once you’ve envisioned what you ultimately want, begin to create tiny action steps that will walk you there. If your goal is to improve your overall health and energy levels your immediate goals may look something like:
Commit to 30min of exercise a certain number of times a week.
Commit to a daily walk.
Take a daily 5-10 min stretch break during work hours.
Carve out 5min daily for meditation or conscious breathing.
Drink “x” amount of water daily.
Work on holding your plank longer.
Create a small nutrition goal like, simply adding more veggies daily, or replacing ONE sugary/fatty, meal/snack for a more nutritious choice daily.
The list can go on, these are just ideas.
Focusing on one to two tiny goals at a time over a span of a few weeks or months can help reduce overwhelm, and maintain your motivation while actively moving you toward your goals. .
Be patient with the journey. Change doesn't happen overnight. When you feel like the goals that you are working on are starting to become a habit in your life rather than a task, begin to add in your next small action steps to work on.
One small step at a time. You can do it!
Follow me on Instagram at iam_intutivelyfit or Facebook at the Intuitively Fit 360 Coaching Page. I post regular guidance and ideas that may support you in staying motivated, focused and grounded as you work toward that bigger vision.
If you need some additional help, learn more about my programs and set up a complimentary call where we can get to know each other and discover how I may be able to help!